Wheel to Reel

Branding, Print

Wheel to Reel is an annual RMWFI-hosted bike race and film-going event. The task was to design a fun and whimsical brand identity, as well as design and execute the year's theme of fun and excitement.

RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – Logo, Color
RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – Logo, Reverse
RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – Poster Close-up
RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – Poster
RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – Print Advertising
RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – Social Media Advertising
RMWFI Wheel to Reel Event Identity and Collateral – E-mail Advertising

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Pikes Peak Outdoors
